ఎం.ఎన్.రాయ్ ఇంగ్లిష్ రచనలు ఇప్పుడు వెభ్ సైట్ లో లభిస్తున్నాయి. ఈ అవకాశ సద్వినియోగం చేసుకొనండి.
ఇన్నయ్య నరిశెట్టి
Here are 8 more books of M.N. Roy on the following RH Web portal now for you to download and read directly on your Computers.
They are:
'Revolution and Counter-Revolution in China',
'Science and Philosophy',
'India's Message: Fragments of a Prisoner's Diary',
'Materialism', '
'M.N. Roy: Philosopher Revolutionary',
'Reason, Romanticism and Revolution' Volume I
'Reason, Romanticism and Revolution' Volume II
You may also download the following earlier uploaded books of Roy from this website:
'New Orientation',
'New Humanism',
The Russian Revolution and the Tragedy of Communism',
'Politics, Power & Parties'
'Men I Met'
'Historical Role of Islam' and
'From the Communist Manifesto to Radical Humanism'.
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